Flexible collocation of handles to create efficient treatment projects.
Ultrasound Wave
High Frequency 1Mhz
The mechanical and thermic effect of ultrasounds conducts an antalgic and anti inflammatory action.
Therapeutic indications shoulder, Achilles tendon and other articular tendinopathies articular arthrosis
scars capsulitis organized postoperative ematomas muscle contractures articular inflammations
Shockwave Therapy
High Energy: 5-300MJ
High Freqeuncy: 1-21Hz
Shot life: 5,000,000shots
Reduce pain partly through the creation of substance P and the hyperstimulation of pain sensors.
The body itself regenerates the affected tissues, resulting in the following effects: Therapeutic indications
Shoulder, Achilles tendon and other articular tendinopathies Plantar fasciitis with or without heel spurs,
heel inflammations Bone consolidation retardation Epicondylitis, epitrochleitis Pseudarthrosis, bursitis,
tenosynovitis Pubalgias Algodystrophy Bone necrosi
Tecar Therapy
3 Types handle
Base RET CET RF handle for muscle and bone
T-shape RETs , one handle to control, save time, and special for large areas and joint
Double RET, special for joint, more flexibility
Thanks to the capacitive and resistive modalities, the action of tecar therapy can be addressed to
different profundities and on several tissues, as the muscle, tendon, ligamentous, vascular and lymphatic
one, favoring the resorption of hematomas, reducing the inflammation and improving the local circulation.
Therapeutic indications articular pains: arthrosis, sprains, traumas swelling and postoperative or post-
traumatic edema backaches, sciatica neck pain, dorsalgiae muscle lesions as contractures, stretching
and pulled muscles tendon lesions or tendinopathies, ligamentous lesions chronic arthralgias from various

Ultrasound wave for physiotherapy:
The ultrasound therapy uses high-frequency acoustic waves created by the stimulation of mineral crystals
by alternate current; the produced reaction translates into a high intensity 'micro massage' stimulating
the tissues deeply.
Shockwave for physiotherapy:
Shockwave is an acoustic wave which carries high energy to painful areas and soft tissues with subacute,
subchronic and chronic conditions. This energy promotes healing, regenerating and reparative processes.
It's a unique, noninvasive solution for pain associated with the musculoskeletal system. Just three to four
treatments needed at weekly intervals. A therapy session only takes approximately 10 minutes.
Shokckwave ED Treatment:
Most men suffering from erectile dysfunction have vascular problems affecting the vessels that supply
blood to the cavernous bodies of the penis, resulting in a decreased ability to develop and maintain an
erection. The end result is an inadequate blood-flow followed by premature draining of an already
reduced amount of blood from the cavernous bodies, meaning an erection is not achieved.
Shockwave Therapy for ED of this type can be a highly effective treatment.
Tecar RF therapy:
The heat speeds up metabolism. This causes blood to flow faster and to become more oxygenated.
The result is that more oxygen, and other healing properties of your body's natural systems,
are rushed to the site. The waste is also removed more quickly. The overall result is that your pain is
reduced significantly, and the injury is healed more quickly.