- Osteoarthritis
- Low back pain
- Neck pain
- Bursitis
- Tendinopathy
- Haematoma
- Fractures
- Muscle tears
- Sprains and strains
TECAR©'s main use in physiotherapy relates to the rehabilitation of musculoskeletal and
pain disorders, and sport rehabilitation. [1] Some commonly treated conditions are:
Acute or chronic injuries / inflammation
Low back pain
Muscle spasms
Joint pain
There are also other areas that TECAR© uses have been expanded such as pelvic health,
physio-aesthetics, and veterinary rehabilitation.
How Does TECAR Therapy work?
Have you ever hit your knee really hard and then rubbed it to make the pain go away? The pain
doesn't actually go away. What happens is the surrounding nerves are stimulated by the friction
and the pain signal from your knee gets confused. The pain remains the same, but the brain
doesn't register it as much. When you go through TECAR Therapy, an electrode head will be
placed on the site of your pain, and you will feel a zapping. This zapping creates the same
effect and it works for much more intense pain. This nerve stimulation can stop your
nerves compounding the effect of the initial pain and can ease the inflammation,
therefore reducing pain.
In addition, the heat speeds up your metabolism. This causes your blood to flow
faster and to become more oxygenated. The result is that more oxygen, and other
healing properties of your body's natural systems, are rushed to the site. The waste
is also removed more quickly. The overall result is that your pain is reduced
significantly, and the injury is healed more quickly.
What is TECAR Therapy?
TECAR (Capacitive Resistive Electric Transference) therapy is a non-ablative, non-invasive
form of combined contact diathermy and electrotherapy. It is a medical practice that applies
electromagnetic energy to biological tissue increasing your body tissue temperature in
combination with subthermal application to promote the body's natural healing response.
Product Parameters
Specification :