Product Description

What can Coolwaves™ treat?
Coolwaves targets 3 main body concerns, namely adipose fat cells, cellulite and skin laxity.
No 1 Localised Fat
Coolwaves™ is able to deeply disrupt the membranes of subcutaneous fat cells safely and effectively.
No 2 Cellulite
Coolwaves™ effectively target the connective tissue between the adipose lobules in the more advanced stages of cellulite.
No 3 Skin Tightening
Coolwaves™ induce an immediate shrinkage of the collagen fibres in the dermis and stimulate the production of new collagen,
making the tissue more compact and toned.

Coolwaves Body Contouring Overview
Coolwaves is a state-of-the-art multi-application body contouring device that improves Cellulite, Fat Reduction and Skin
Tightening using revolutionary CoolwavesTM technology in a non-invasive way.
Coolwaves are high-frequency (2.45GHz) electromagnetic currents that selectively target fat cells whilst stimulating the
production of new collagen to tighten and reshape the body in a safe, effective and non-invasive way. it is used in place
of Radiofrequency technology for tightening and skin toning and is used as an alternative or in conjunction with
traditional techniques such as Cryolipolysis or Liposuction.
Treatment of Cellulite
Cellulite is mostly present in Gynoid subjects, often found in the front and back of the thighs, knees and buttocks.
It is usually more obvious when the skin is pinched although in severe cases it appears even when the subject is relaxed.
If left untreated, the process gradually and inexorably develops into the following phases:
Stage I - Oedema: reversible, characterised by venous-lymphatic stasis, hypo-oxygenation and insufficient
drainage of the interstitial fluids. The skin appears spongy and less elastic. Stage I cellulite, usually occurs
at the ankles, calves, thighs and arms and is caused by an accumulation of fluid (edema) within the adipose tissue.
Stage II -Initial Fibrosis: normally the fat cells are wrapped in a net of very fine reticular fibres. The persistence
of conditions characterising Stage I gives rise to a breaking away of these fibres which react by increasing in
number and thickness. The skin appears pallid, spongier, hypothermic, and hypoplastic, and paresthesia
begin to manifest with the typical "orange peel" appearance.
Stage III - Fibrosclerosis and Micronodules: stasis becomes accentuated and the entire skin structure
breaks down. The collagen and reticular fibres degenerate and tend to create a fibrous, compact weft
which encapsulates the fat cells and forms true micronodules. The progression towards sclerosis
generates further compromise and distress of the tissues. The skin features described above
are accentuated and pain is felt with palpation. In this type of cellulite there is a greater production
of connective-fibrous tissue, and the adipose tissue is harder, with possible formation of small nodules.
Stage IV - Sclerosis and Macronodules: the fusing together of several micronodules, leading to the
appearance of large macronodules that are painful to the touch. The macronodules can also fuse
together. At this stage, which is irreversible, the skin takes on a typical "mattress" physiognomy.
Skin streaks appear and there is pain, both spontaneous and with palpation. In this case the
nodules that are created are larger and the adipose tissue becomes even harder.
Detailed Photos

How do CoolwavesTM work ?
Microwave technology is not a newcomer in medical applications. It has been widely used in many branches of medicine
up to now including Oncology to fight against cancer since early 1980s, surgery and dermatology.
The reason why Coolwaves™ target fat cells in a safe and effective way depends on the specific 2.45GHz frequency that
Coolwaves™ uses. At such a high frequency, the skin becomes almost transparent to this passage of energy concentrating
the heat primarily in the targeted sub-dermal fat layers.
Thanks to this selective microwave frequency of 2.45GHz, Coolwaves achieves deep and targeted action, whilst persevering
the skin surface from unwanted excess heat. Coolwaves achieves deep and targeted action compared to other body
contouring device technologies.
Unlike radiofrequency energy that mostly remains closely to the surface, CoolwavesTM specifically reach the hyperdermis
where the fat cells are located, for treatment to be effective.
Treatment of Skin Laxity
Skin laxity occurs when there is a relaxation of the dermal-epidermal tissues and subcutaneous layer as a consequence of:
Underlying muscular mass hypotrophy: typically found in thighs and arms when there is insufficient
physical activity and dietary imbalances.
Dermal elasto-collagenic components reduction; typically due to ageing and sun-damage
Supporting fatty tissue reduction; typically due to ageing and sun-damage
Is the treatment painful?
No, the treatment is completely comfortable. This is because only 20% of the energy goes to the dermis
and the heat produced is counterbalanced by an advanced cooling system. The remaining 80% of energy
generated penetrates into the fat.
Multi-Application Body Contouring device
Treatment of multiple body areas including "double chin"
Non-Invasive with No downtime
High patient satisfaction with results observed from the first session
No Consumables for Excellent ROI
Not limited to applicators therefore suitable for all body shapes
Short 10min sessions per 15cmx15cm area
Integrated Cooling technology for safety and comfort
Treat more areas in less time compared to other devices on the market
Awarded twice as best innovative technology

Product Parameters
Product name |
coolwaves cellulite reduction machine |
Technology |
microwaves |
frequency |
2,45 GHz |
deep handle |
6.6CM |
Shallow handle |
5.5CM |
Function |
fat reduction,cellulite reduction ,skin laxity repair |